Nowadays, various international football tournaments are held throughout the Netherlands. For these tournaments, the organization is often also looking for places to accommodate teams from England, Germany, Belgium or even South Africa.
Of course, a lot comes into play with such a tournament. Meals, overnight stays, transport to and from the playing location, match schedules, prizes, etc. In order to relieve you as an organization, Fletcher Football is in any case your partner for overnight stays and meals.
In collaboration with various organizations, Fletcher Hotels acts as a home base for international football teams during tournaments in the Netherlands. We offer these teams a stay close to the tournament location and provide them with overnight stays, breakfast, lunch and dinner, while we do our utmost to meet all their specific wishes.
Fletcher Football collaborates with a number of organisations that organise various tournaments in the Netherlands. And how nice would it be to stay in a hotel nearby during a tournament?
Fletcher Hotels has over 110 hotels, so there is always a Fletcher hotel nearby. Are you organizing a tournament soon and are you looking for accommodation for the teams? Do not hesitate to contact us, so we can find the perfect location for your team.
Of course it is also possible that you are playing a tournament and the organization has not arranged housing. If you are looking for a location to stay during a (multi-day) tournament as a team, do not hesitate to contact us.
– Toernooivoetbal
– ISL Football Tours
– TVG Sports
– Orange Veins
– Ballfreunde
– Dutch Soccer Tournaments
– Profe
Fletcher Football has had a partnership with the Coöperatie Eerste Divisie U.A. since July 1, 2021. which was extended on July 1, 2022 for a period of 3 years until June 30, 2025.
As a result, Fletcher Football is again “official supplier” for all teams from the Keuken Kampioen Divisie. We offer all teams from the Kitchen Champion Division a complete sports meal with a fixed menu for a competitive price.